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TimeTrends was developed to carry out statistical and trend analyses or equivalence tests by providing a series of linked procedures to:
Import data/time data easily
box and percentile plots
display time trends with smoothing routines applied (Lowess,Gams)
statistical analysis by season (Seasonal Kendall test)
box and whisker plots by season with Kruskal-Wallis test
annual and seasonal event analysis
adjustment of data for flow variations (Lowess, Log-log, Gams)
Parametric trend analysis with equivalence testing of slope.
Equivalence testing of means
Non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon signed rank.
Least absolute and quantile regression
determine trends through multivariate models (linear regression, generalised additive (GAM), or Loess).
False discovery rate
Handle censored data
Piecewise regression
The steps in a typical analysis are:
· open file of environmental data
· plot variable against time and fit linear and smoothing functions
· statistical Kendall analysis of trends with time and season
· seasonal box plots and event analysis
· multivariate analysis: regression, GAMs or Loess
Data and results of analyses are shown on a series of pages with tabs.
Most analyses will usually have both graphical and text outputs, with the results displayed on a graph page and text output on the results page.