Jowett Consulting Overview
What we do!
Environmental flows and hydrology
Instream habitat analysis for determining environmental flow requirements to support fish and invertebrate habitat
Fish habitat requirements
Fish passage
Water temperature and suspended sediment modelling
Computer modelling and program development
Experience Shows!
Over 40 years of experience in engineering hydrology, environmental flow requirements, and aquatic biology. Expertise includes hydraulic-habitat, water temperature and suspended sediment modelling and the biological implications of flow regime alteration.
Expert evidence for regional council hearings, Environment Court, and National Conservation Orders
instream flow assessment
flow management plans
flushing flows
water temperature and dissolved oxygen
Computer Software
TIMETRENDS for date/time data including Kendall seasonal trend analysis, GAMs, Event analysis and others.
New Zealand freshwater fish database assistant to assist users of the NZFFD to easily analyse and visualise the fish data. On-line access to the NZFFD is freely available (
New Zealand species database for users of NZFFDB as well as others wanting a generalised database
MOPED for statistical analysis of environmental patterns, including self-organising maps, Twinspan and Decorana, UPGMA, Discriminant analysis, Generalised additive models, 1D and 2D loess.
CULVERT for fish passage through culverts
HABPRF for analysis of habitat suitability and habitat models