NZ Species DB

New Zealand species database is an extended generalised version of the freshwater fish database assistant. It includes topo maps (1:250000 and 1:50000) and catchment delineation. 

The New Zealand Species database, SPECIES DB, was developed to create and maintain a database for the entry, storage and geographical display of records of species occurrence.

Originally, this program was partially funded by FRST and NIWA in support of the New Zealand Freshwater Fish Database (NZFFD). Species DB is a generalisation of the Freshwater database assistant and incorporates many improvements and the ability to be used for any species or set of species. It can read old and new downloaded files from the NZFFDB.


Comma delimited text (csv) and excel files or NZFFD data retrieved from the internet can be opened in this program and displayed on the map, printed, saved as a csv or excel file, or copied to the clipboard for import to programs such as EXCEL.

It provides for easy:

data entry

data editing and checking

printing and copying forms

selection and export of data to other programs (e.g., EXCEL)

graphical output showing species records on a map of New Zealand

interrogation of the database showing number of records and species found in certain areas and catchments

Each record lists the location, date, observation method and the observer, as well as details of the location and species observed.


Mapping features allow the North Island, South Island, or both to be displayed, and zooming on areas of interest is readily done by clicking and selecting with the mouse. A different area of the map can also be displayed by panning. 

Display options allow you to see rivers of different sizes (stream order), their catchments and places of interest.

Topographic maps (1:50000 and 1:250000) can be also displayed with data locations, catchment boundaries and any annotations.

Locations of records in the database can be displayed as circles, squares, etc. using different sizes and colours, allowing differentiation between species. Individual reference numbers or location labels can also be displayed.

Text can be added to the map, as well as points, lines or polygons, all of which can be saved as add-in files. Locations can be imported as points in a csv, gpx or shape file.

Maps can be saved as a windows metafile or copied and pasted into other windows applications.


Manual (1.8 Mb)

Species DB setup version 1.1 (2.7 Mb) - unzip and run SpeciesDB_setup.exe

!:50,000 NI topographic maps (1.24 Gb) - to be placed in same folder as Speciesdb - do not unzip.

!:50,000 SI topographic maps (1.5 Gb) - to be placed in same folder as Speciesdb - do not unzip.

1:250,000 topographic maps (400 Mb) - to be placed in same folder as Speciesdb.