Staff and experience
Some major studies:
The 100 rivers survey - a co-operative study of the hydrology, benthos, fish, periphyton, and water quality in a large number of New Zealand rivers. Instram habitat model for predicting trout and benthic invertebrate abundance in the New Zealand rivers. Testing the effectiveness of flow regime assessments where biological surveys have been carried out before and after flow modifications.
Studies of most New Zealand hydro-electric schemes. These include estimation of probable maximum precipitation and probable maximum floods for Clutha and Waikato, power station operation, floods and flood routing, hydrological analyses, sedimentation studies, operational simulation to environmental impact and fish habitat studies.
Ian Jowett
- Hydrology/Ecology
- Hydraulic Modelling
- Eco-hydraulics.
- Development of habitat suitabilty criteria.
- Software development.
Qualifications and Awards
- BE (Hons) 1967
- Post graduate engineering hydrology Univ. NSW 1970
- Registered Engineer 1970
- New Zealand Hydrological Society award for outstanding achievements 1985
- New Zealand Freshwater Sciences award for outstanding contributions to freshwater sciences and management 2007
- Honorary doctorate Waikato University 2016
Sally Davis
- Change Management/ Organisational reviews
- Shared services in Local goverment.
- General management.
- Mentoring.
- BSC (Hons) 1975
- Post-graduate Diploma Business Studies 1998
- Fellow, NZ Institute of Management 2005
- Certificate in Company Directing 2010
What Makes Us Different
We provide a wide range of services and experience. The combination of engineering and biology is unique.